For Christmas…

Well, Christmas 2013 is in 3 weeks and i can now be sure what St Nicolas will bring to me…

First i may list my items :
European :
– PC-1500 + CE-161 + CE-150 working like a charm.
– PC-1500A + CE-161 + CE-150 need new battery.
Asian :
– PC-1500 + CE-155 + CE-150 need service.

Incoming in a week :
Asian :
– PC-1501 + CE-161 + CE-150
Hungarian :
– PTA-4000 + KA-160
– PTA-4000+16 + KA-160
– TRS-80 PC2 + CE-150 New in a box

I will soon publish articles about these items.
(Grrr not any famous unknown PC-1500D…)

I will have many other items and maybe some for sale :
– 60 pin male connectors
– Printer color pens

If you are looking for something simply ask me. But consider that my prices will not be low due to out of production and extremely rare items.

Who is Rom1500 ?


I’m 49y old, live in France and owned my PC-1500 + CE-150 in 1982. As i was recently graduated my dad asked me to make a choice : a PC-1500 or driving license ?

Was i crazy to answer PC-1500 ? Today i know i wasn’t. A new world was beginning and i had to live inside. My first basic program was a lunar landing game. It was really nice to learn how to give the perfect structure to the basic code. Never loose any case, write comments…

French magazines were a good help. I remember “L’ordinateur de poche”, “L’ordinateur individuel”, “Le club Sharpentier”, “List”, “Hebdogiciel”… One year later the Basic language was too slow for me. I decided to learn machine language. Uh… it was without the “Technical reference manual” but i had enough informations to do nice job.

In 1984 the army called me and 3 years later the PC-1500 was forgotten. My hobby was now Rock climbing in a nice place to practice : French Alps !

In 2001 i moved to a small town for my new job. Nothing to do in that small town and the PC-1500 goes out of an old box. Good idea because i met some fans like “Rémy Jouvin”, “J-F Laroche”, “C Le Glatin” and “Emmanuel Beaurepaire”. That was very friendly !

At this time i was a Delphi developer and i started to build a disassembler for my needs. It was a nice Beta build… and still unchanged ! Now in 2013 i’m back and starting a dedicated PC-1500 website.

What is the menu ? Follow me…

Only one pocket ?


The unique subject of this website is the Sharp PC-1500 and clones.
I know 8 versions :

  • Sharp PC-1500 (Europe & US)
  • Sharp PC-1500A (Europe & US)
  • Sharp PC-1500 (Japanese version of PC-1500)
  • Sharp PC-1501 (Japanese version of PC-1500A)
  • HT PTA-4000 (Hungarian licence of PC-1500)
  • HT PTA-4000+16 (Hungarian licence of PC-1500A ?)
  • Tandy TRS80 PC-2
  • Sharp PC-1500D (Japan with light blue top)

The Sanco PTC-8300 is closed to the PC-1500. Maybe it’s father ?
We have defined the materials to work on.