Donation ?

Hello dear visitors,

My site tries to gather all the information on the fantastic machine that was the handheld Sharp PC-1500 and its various versions.

To advance this work I need your help.
I’m not talking about donations “money” but documentation, books, hardware, software, plug-ins, accessories Sharp, Tandy … etc to complement this collection and also serve me for trade.

For example, Tandy sold a lot of software for the TRS-80 PC2 (Radioshack Tandy) but I found only rarely.
Besides my Tandy PC2 is not the best form and if someone has one to offer I agree 🙂

There is also the original boxes that I miss. Perhaps you have in your attic?
User manuals?

As you understand, anything can interest me and use me to advance this site.

I listen to your suggestions 🙂

Thank you to you.


PC-1560 : CE-161 to replace system ROM ?

Working on the PC-1560 project need some tools.
We have to design a new system ROM but at this time don’t have to work with (E)EPROM programmers.
The best way is to look at our hardware stuff !

We most have CE-161, isn’t it ?
Ok, how does this memory module work ?
It need to be plugged on the 40 pins bus.
The PC-1500(A) schematics shows that we have these signals available on the connector:
– /Y0
– /Inhibit (active low to disable the system ROM)

CE-161 schematics shows a 40H138 (Demux) selected by /Y0 (active low) going to /G2A (active low). This signal is nothing but &0000H address.

The system ROM is at &E000H… /Y3 from the 40H139 in the PC-1500.
Simple, no ?

Ok, a DOUBLE hardware inverter is all we need.
The inverter will a the same time :
– connect 40H139 signal /Y0 or /Y3 to the CE-161 on /G2A
– connect /Inhibit to GND or let it to it’s high value.

The inverter must be inside the PC-1500.
Cut the strap from pin 4 of the 40H139.
Connect this pin to one side of the inverter.
Connect pin 7 to inverter’s other side.
Connecter inverter middle pin to the cutter strap.
Now you can choose CE-161 function : RAM or system ROM.
… don’t miss the /INHIBIT pin…

I will soon show your a picture of the system.

Here is the updated schematics.

CE-163 owners will have a dual ROM system… but be careful to switch ROM when powered off.


It’s another under license production by Hiradas Technika.
Do you use the module port to expand memory ? Yes ! 16KB more with CE-161
But they don’t !
Their PTA-4000+16 is nothing but a PC-1500 with a self made 16KB memory board inside.
Crazy, no ?
Stupid ! The module port has being removed and it’s door is glued.

PTA-4000-16_018 PTA-4000-16_019
PTA-4000-16_003 PTA-4000-16_005

Look at the buzzer… it’s now on the CPU side.
PTA-4000-16_009 PTA-4000-16_012
