Category Archives: The Family

Pocket computer user’s manuals

Here are the pocket computer user’s manuals (OCR).

All manuals are scanned from my own materials.
If you have some of the missing manuals (or not in this list) to offer (or sell) please tell me.
I’m searching these manuals in brazilian for the PC-1500 RP2 !
If you download something, please fell free to write a little comment.
(For now the comments need to be validated before being published)

Manuals BRLink
PC-1500_RP_INSTR(Not original cover)


Manuals DELink

(Book offered by

Manuals ESLink
PC-1500A Manual de instruccionesMISSING

Manuals FRLink
PC-1500A Intruction manualMISSING

Manuals HULink
Add-on for PTA-4000+16

Manuals ITLink
PC-1500 Instruzioni per l'usoMISSING

Manuals JPLink

Manuals NLLink

Manuals USLink

Manuals TandyLink
Download (US)
Download (FR, NL, DE)
Download (US)

New in the family : PC-1500 RP2 !

Hi all,

What am i talking about ???
A new PC-1500 in the family ???
Sure ???


Here is it, the new one !
He comes from Brazil but don’t play soccer 😉
Now the pictures…

The printer’s case looks like PC-1500’s one.
PC-1500_RP2_001 PC-1500_RP2_010

All is in same places but the interior is different. Do you see what i mean ?
Yep, the CE-150 is still have the blue protection sheets.
PC-1500_RP2_003 PC-1500_RP2_017

Here you better see the difference between this one and the others.
Interior is luxurious !!!
Here is the official name : PC-1500 RP2
PC-1500_RP2_009 PC-1500_RP2_016

And see the pouch, different too.
It opens with two parts. One the classic one there is only one large part covering the front side.
The Velcro place is different.
PC-1500_RP2_027 PC-1500_RP2_028

Here is now the pocket’s back with the label.
And… do you see the memory module ? 😉
And… the CE-150 is called PC-1500RP
PC-1500_RP2_022 PC-1500_RP2_029

The last things i have to find for this new one are the official manuals and box.
If someone have the two manuals for offer or sale then please use the contact form. 🙂

You can read some info in this pdf file :

CE-165 W Specifications

Yes, you have correctly read the title !
I have informations about the unfindable PC-1500 extension : the CE-165W !


Many of us have long sought this device without finding anything.
But luckily a friend had a few pages stapled, lost in a pile of documents.

What is the CE-165 W ?
This is not an EPROM programmer.
I guess you are disappointed …
But it is actually a programmer for the CE-160 modules.
It can program 16 once.
The verification phase is done by module.

You can download all 4 pages of specifications by Sharp.
CE-165 specifications.pdf

I will speak later of the CE-160 and we will detail its operation.
Ah, many sites say that its capacity is 16Kb … but this is false, it is 7.8 Kb.

Please, note that the CE-165W needs a CE-155 module plugged inside the PC-1500.
The pocket computer must have enough memory to store the source program.

If you want to share these informations please share the link to this page. Thanks.

Toxic materials… ?

When the fire department in Hessen has to deal with toxic materials, helps a database in computer computer.

For the firefighter accidents include toxic materials for everyday routine.
statistically occur every day on the streets of the federal republic of Germany five accidents in which endanger the groundwater chemical.

In a stored database about hazardous materials, the program then searches for the names and gives the firefighters notes as chemical best deal. In the danger-data database are approximately 1,350 different hazardous materials stored, as they are often transported over the road. All disclosures fit into a 16KB memory module of the pocket computer PC-1500.
About the small display or a separate printer gives the computer the name of the substance as well as a catalog of measures for the fight against the danger of.


PC-1500 : The Book of the Grail

Who has not wanted to know exactly what happens in the machine?
I remember rumors that spoke of an amazing book in which we could understand everything … on the PC-1600.
Oh yes, I searched long and I abandoned my quest for the Grail.

6 months ago, a friend offered me some books on the PC-1500.
He told me “there is a book with commented ROM listing.”
I thought it was for the PC-1600 but he told me the title: PC-1500 Intern
What?? For the PC-1500?? Great!

Wow, what a thrill opening my package and discovering this book among other treasures …
Here it is:

PC-1500 Intern

the book and the patch sheets
PC-1500-Intern add

A sample page :
PC-1500-Intern 133

Paper ? Sharp, Tandy or unbranded ?

With our printers we printed hundreds of meters listings.
Everyone remembers So these little paper rolls?
Okay, did you know these 3 models?

EMI_2856 - Version 2

We have:
– The Tandy box with its blue color which contains 6 rolls
– Sharp box ROL-P-38 containing 5 rolls
– The box unmarked ROL-P-38, which also contains 5 rolls

But look a little closer these rolls …

To the right we have the Sharp left and the Tandy and unbranded.
The length of paper appears to be identical.
But there are two conspicuous differences:
– The color of the paper.
– The red band indicates the end of paper.


There really is a difference in quality!

Do you know any other packaging for these rolls?
If this is the case thank you send me a message.